

Competence, reliability, empathy and efficiency are the principles that guide us in our work. True to the motto "It´s a people´s business", we are available to you personally and trustfully in our services:
Residential | Commercial | Investment | Development | Valuation


The sale and rental of new and special residential properties is our passion and key focus. With a lot of empathy and commitment we take care of the interests of buyers / sellers and tenants / landlords. Because we know: Our daily business is often a life-changing affair for our customers.


In our commercial real estate segment, we assist landlords in (re)positioning and marketing their real estate(s). On request, we also act as owner representatives. We also advise clients on the search for new office space.


Our business area for the consulting and sale of apartment buildings, existing housing estates, planned new housing estates, commercial properties such as specialist stores and office buildings as well as portfolio sales.

Consulting/Project Development References

From the selection of a suitable site or building to the marketing of the project, we are at your side at all times, loyal, competent and in an advisory capacity. You can rely entirely on our expertise gained from more than two decades of market experience.


Every property is special and unique and so it is seen and evaluated by us. We determine the market value of your property and provide competent and independent expert opinions. Depending on your needs, from the short value indication to the detailed market value appraisal according to § 194 BauGB. Whether you wish to have a yield property, a plot of land, an apartment building, a villa, a condominium or an entire portfolio valued - with us your property valuation is in competent hands.

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